Sunday, June 08, 2008

Church..... more than just a building

I went to Pastor Samuel's church this morning, as he invited me to give the sermon. It was such a blessing for me to be a part of the worship service at his church. The small wooden building was located about 50 meters from the runway of the Goma International Airport (which may be giving to much credit to this airport....), and is quite modest. Yet the praise and prayer of the people in it made me feel like this was exactly the type of church Jesus would have wanted to visit if he were here in Goma right now. It's not a church that defines itself by the comfort of it's pews or the quality of it's sound system (which they had but worked only a quarter of the time) but a church defined by the quality of the praise and worship of its members. We sang and prayed for about an hour and a half before the first pastor rose and gave his sermon. During the singing the kids were dancing in the aisles while their parents clapped along with the beat, or made their own beat, and all sang their hearts out. It felt like no one wanted to stop singing, like they could just keep giving praise all day long! It was very energizing. I can't say that I've been to many 3 hour long services where I come out feeling energized, but I can say that about today's service. I was a guest in their church, within the walls of that building, but we were all there as a part of the global family of Christians, giving praise to a God who does not sleep and is eternally faithful.

I didn't really want to speak when it came to my time, because I knew I wouldn't be exuding the same type of evangelical fervor that the first pastor and the rest of the worship had been filled with, but I had a message of love and servant hood, of forgiveness and responsibility that God had given me to share and so I did. It's kind of odd to use a translator because I'm never sure if my words are being translated properly, but then again there is a freedom in hoping that God is letting the translator hear the true message He wants his people to hear. In that case it is more God's message than my own that makes it to the ears of those in the room, and I know that is a good think!


Bronwyn said...

I have felt that way at the church in Mexico that I visit. Sometimes dogs wander in and out, you can hear the man selling propane gas, and the reggaeton music from the neighbors and there's no outline or schedule but it's pretty awesome.

And has Flora ever told you about our experiences trying to run or exercise at all in your dad's pueblo? People thought we were crazy.

Anonymous said...

Well written article.