Friday, June 13, 2008

Malawi and Goma in April (Nutrition project)

Although we broke down (overheating) on the way to the airport and ultimately missed our flight, God was faithful through this experience. We broke down across the street from a small spring locals were using for washing and drinking water. Than the airline changed our flights for free with absolutely no hassle! It was great.

We found the man who manufactures the peanut butter we eat at Majimatulivu, the house I'm staying at. And this is the finished product before being put in the recycled mayo jars. I'm pretty sure there would be at least a few health code violations if this was back in the states......

The "Lab", better known as the kitchen at Maji.

The final product that Glenn and I prepared is in the middle and left jar. The Malawi made product is in the small jar on the right.

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